MMC projects
MMC Brežice
Percentage of the supply of hygienic tissue paper made from used beverage cartons,
as collected in municipalities, the MMC members, in the overall
consumption of hygienic tissue paper:
trees from being
pieces of recycled used beverage cartons
tons of recycled used beverage cartons**
m2 area of forest from
being harvested*
kg reduction of CO2
reduced the amount of
packaging waste at the
waste dump, or
prevented incineration***
Data above is based on total quantities of used beverage cartons recycled with origin in participating municipalities and quantities**** of professional hygiene paper used in this municipality(s) from MMC start till 31.12.2024 and are updated monthly.
* UNEP, 2011, Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, HYPERLINK “”; ** Data on packaging waste taken over from participating municipalities since 2016; *** 1 kg Landfill of paper waste EU-27 (of project ELCD) Data source]; **** Data provided by the distribution companies involved.
Commencement of the project:
1/2 2019
Number of inhabitants in the MMC area:
Number of public companies and institutions participating in the MMC activities:
7 od 21
Amount of collected used beverage cartons required to produce the current percentage of recycled hygienic tissue paper supply:
16 ton na leto
Goal by 2022:
80% supply
Project phase:
stable MMC
The Municipality of Brežice willingly participates in projects that help reduce environmental pollution. At the end of 2018, we joined the project; moreover, we also encouraged our public institutions (with which we use 33 tons of hygienic tissue paper per year) to participate. We will now obtain hygienic tissue paper from milk and juice carton recycling. A circular culture can certainly be said to be in our hands now.
We started the Circular Culture in Our Hands project in 2019, i.e. one and a half years ago. I am pleased to say that many companies and institutions in the Municipality of Brežice have joined the project so far. I would like to invite other companies and institutions which do not yet participate in the project, to join the campaign, so that we can collectively support nature.
mag. Jadranka Novoselc, Director
The company is committed to finding new solutions and improvements, in order to reduce environmental pollution, increase recycling and recovery rate, and consequently significantly reduce the amount of waste disposal. With this policy, we have a major impact on product life cycle - we extend it, while maintaining natural resources. The circular economy is based on the concept of a rotating material cycle, which means that waste materials are processed for their reuse, and consequently, the amounts of disposed of or incinerated waste are reduced.
Slopak is a responsible packaging waste management company that ensures that the life cycle of products is closed, which is why we are one of the key stakeholders in the circular economy. We provide a system for collecting, recovering and recycling packaging and non-packaging products, which enables the reuse of secondary raw materials for the production of new products and reduces the impact on the environment. With our knowledge and professionalism, we are building a more sustainable society, and above all, we are looking to the present and the future. Therefore, our mission is also to raise public awareness of the importance of proper waste separation and to encourage environmental protection.
We are on the verge of major economic transition. The global economic system is changing from linear to circular. The simplest way for companies and institutions to enter the circular economy is to start using hygienic tissue paper from their own material cycle. VALTEX is a pioneer in the practical implementation of the circular economy in Slovenia, and willingly cooperates, and provides advice and assistance in this respect.
Komunala Brežice d.o.o. |
Občina Brežice, mestna uprava |
OŠ Artiče |
OŠ Bizeljsko |
OŠ Brežice 🛈
Osnovna šola Brežice se je z veseljem priključila temu projektu. Najprej smo povabili učence, da so začeli zbirati tetrapak. Pokazali smo jim tudi, kaj se iz tega da narediti oz. reciklirati. Nato je sledilo krajše tekmovanje. Na koncu se je šola odločila, da bo tudi nabavljala ta recikliran papir. Otrokom smo ga na urah pouka predstavili, povedali, kako poteka krožno gospodarstvo oz. kako iz tetrapaka nastane papir. Sedaj ga že kar dobro leto dni uporabljamo.
mag. Marinka Lubšina Novak, ravnateljica |
OŠ Globoko |
OŠ Maksa Pleteršnika Pišece |
OŠ Velika Dolina |
OŠ dr. Jožeta Toporišiča |
Posavski muzej Brežice |
Zdravstveni dom Brežice |
Splošna bolnišnica Brežice | |
Kovis d.o.o., Brežice |
We will be happy to listen to your suggestions and answer your questions!