MMC projects
MMC Ljubljana
Percentage of the supply of hygienic tissue paper made from used beverage cartons,
as collected in municipalities, the MMC members, in the overall
consumption of hygienic tissue paper:
trees from being
pieces of recycled used beverage cartons
tons of recycled used beverage cartons**
m2 area of forest from
being harvested*
kg reduction of CO2
reduced the amount of
packaging waste at the
waste dump, or
prevented incineration***
Data above is based on total quantities of used beverage cartons recycled with origin in participating municipalities and quantities**** of professional hygiene paper used in this municipality(s) from MMC start till 31.12.2024 and are updated monthly.
* UNEP, 2011, Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, HYPERLINK “”; ** Data on packaging waste taken over from participating municipalities since 2016; *** 1 kg Landfill of paper waste EU-27 (of project ELCD) Data source]; **** Data provided by the distribution companies involved.
Commencement of the project:
1/2 2016
Number of inhabitants in the MMC area:
Number of public companies and institutions participating in the MMC activities:
48 of 113
Amount of collected used beverage cartons required to produce the current percentage of recycled hygienic tissue paper supply:
161 tonnes per year
Goal by 2024:
65% supply
Project phase::
stable MMC
We have started the circular practice of recycling used packaging for milk and juice into hygienic paper (paper towels and toilet paper) in 2015. Firstly in the Javni Holding Ljubljana and all public companies, later also in the city administration and public institutions. With the introduction of the practice, we are directly supporting the implementation of circular business models and are shifting from waste management to resource management. By participating in MMC we are strengthening Ljubljana's recognition as a green, sustainable and circular-oriented European capital.
Zala Strojin Božič, M.Sc., Circular economy manager
Ljubljana is the European capital with the highest share of separately collected waste (68.7%), and an example of good practice on a European and global scale. Besides, the cost of waste management is among the lowest in the country. Ongoing activities also involve the modernisation of infrastructure – currently, there are 69 underground waste collection points installed in the wider city centre, which have replaced more than 8,500 conventional collection containers – and the introduction or upgrade of activities that apply the principles of Zero Waste and the circular economy. Our responsibility is realised not only through meeting regulatory requirements and reliable and expected services, but through much more ambitious activities and goals: we strive to actively assume our role in the environment where the linear economic model changes into circular, and where only the highest possible quality of service is acceptable.
The company is committed to finding new solutions and improvements, in order to reduce environmental pollution, increase recycling and recovery rate, and consequently significantly reduce the amount of waste disposal. With this policy, we have a major impact on product life cycle - we extend it, while maintaining natural resources. The circular economy is based on the concept of a rotating material cycle, which means that waste materials are processed for their reuse, and consequently, the amounts of disposed of or incinerated waste are reduced.
Slopak is a responsible packaging waste management company that ensures that the life cycle of products is closed, which is why we are one of the key stakeholders in the circular economy. We provide a system for collecting, recovering and recycling packaging and non-packaging products, which enables the reuse of secondary raw materials for the production of new products and reduces the impact on the environment. With our knowledge and professionalism, we are building a more sustainable society, and above all, we are looking to the present and the future. Therefore, our mission is also to raise public awareness of the importance of proper waste separation and to encourage environmental protection.
We are on the verge of major economic transition. The global economic system is changing from linear to circular. The simplest way for companies and institutions to enter the circular economy is to start using hygienic tissue paper from their own material cycle. VALTEX is a pioneer in the practical implementation of the circular economy in Slovenia, and willingly cooperates, and provides advice and assistance in this respect.
Festival Ljubljana |
Glasbena šola Moste Polje |
Javni holding Ljubljana |
Javni zavod Kinodvor |
Javni zavod Ljubljanski grad |
Javni zavod Mladi zmaji |
Javni zavod Sotočje, Medvode |
Javni zavod Šport Ljubljana |
Javno podjetje Energetika |
Javno podjetje Ljubljanska parkirišča in tržnice |
Javno podjetje Ljubljanski potniški promet |
Javno podjetje VO-KA Snaga |
Javno podjetje Žale |
Knjižnica Medvode |
Lutkovno gledališče |
Mednarodni grafični likovni center |
Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana |
Mestna občina Ljubljana |
Mestno gledališče ljubljansko |
Občina Medvode |
Osnovna šola Bežigrad |
Osnovna šola Brezovica pri Ljubljani |
Osnovna šola Danile Kumar |
Osnovna šola Dravlje |
Osnovna šola Franceta Bevka |
Osnovna šola Horjul |
Osnovna šola Jožeta Moškriča |
Osnovna šola Ketteja in Murna |
Osnovna šola Koseze |
Osnovna šola Martina Krpana |
Osnovna šola Nove Jarše |
Osnovna šola Polje |
Osnovna šola Savsko naselje |
Osnovna šola Valentina Vodnika |
Osnovna šola Vide Pregarc |
Osnovna šola Zadobrova |
Viški Vrtci |
Vrtci Brezovica |
Vrtec Ciciban |
Vrtec Galjevica |
Vrtec Hansa Christiana Andersena |
Vrtec Jelka |
Vrtec Ledina |
Vrtec Miškolin |
Vrtec Mladi rod |
Vrtec Mojca |
Vrtec Najdihojca |
Vrtec Otona Župančiča |
Vrtec Pod gradom |
Vrtec Trnovo |
Vrtec Vodmat |
Vrtec Vrhovci |
Vrtec Zelena jama |
Vrtec Črnuče |
Vrtec Šentvid |
Zavod za oskrbo na domu |
Živalski vrt Ljubljana |
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